Immunify AV installation on cpanel server

How to install ImunifyAV

On the server where you want to install ImunifyAV, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to WHM as the root user or as a reseller account with root-level privileges.
  2. Navigate to WHM’s Security Advisor interface (WHM >> Home >> Security Center >> Security Advisor).
  3. In Install ImunifyAV to scan your websites for malware alerts, click Install ImunifyAV.Important: If the ImunifyAV alert does not appear in the list of security alerts, one of the following conditions exists on your server:
    • Your server does not support ImunifyAV.
    • You are using a trial account.
    • You are not a root user or a reseller account with root-level privileges.
  4. A new tab will open to show you the installation status. This installation may take a few minutes.
  5. After the installation is complete, you will see a success message. You can either click Go back or close the tab.

You can access ImunifyAV from the Plugins interface (WHM >> Home >> Plugins).

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